Clear Creek Foods Farmer Questionnaire
Palouse Brand has been providing farm to table foods to their consumers for over ten years. Clear Creek is a way to help other farmers across the United States do the same. To see our current product line visit our website at

We are currently looking for enthusiastic growers to work with us.  Please complete the form below and we will get back to you asap!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Cell Phone Number *
State(s) you farm in *
What do you grow that you would be interested in working with us to bring you higher prices through our consumer brand: Clear Creek? *
What is special about your farm - we will use these answers to understand your crops, what is it about the land where you farm that makes your crop unique to you (PLEASE BRAG). *
Do you desiccate your crops (answering YES will not necessarily exclude you)? *
Please choose the best answer that describes you: *
Are you willing to ship us samples of your foods?  Field run is totally fine! *
Please list the crops you have that are available: *
Do you grow any Genetically Modified Foods on your farmland? *
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